BERA UK Podcast

The BERA ECR Network presents: The University in Transition: Visual Higher Education Studies

BERA UK Season 2 Episode 8

This episode of the BERA Podcast is part of a series of podcasts focusing on Alternative Research Methods in Higher Education.

In this episode, Dr Dina Zoe Belluigi speaks to Dr Sin Wang Chong about the ways in which visual and creative arts methods productively unsettle the dominant gaze and modes of representation of research on higher education. She retrospectively traces the detours and divergences that led her to appreciating the validity of creative arts research from her most recent project, Counter-Narratives of Higher Education (a collaboration with artists of Analogue Eye: Video Art Africa).

The recording includes discussion of video papers; arguments made about the figurative in studies of higher education transformation; reflections on the praxis of methodological irresponsibility and specific arts-based methods; and an archive of non-empirical representations of the lived experiences of academia, to which she’d love listeners to contribute to.